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Advisory process

In this chapter, you will find an introduction to the individual steps of an advisory process.

If the corresponding module is activated, you can represent, carry out and record the processes of your investment advice workflow in Infront Advisory Solution. The MiFID provisions require you to carry out an audit-proof recording of the investment advice process. The first step is to record the personal client profile. This includes the client's knowledge and experience, financial situation, investment objectives and risk aspects. Based on the client profile, you can give security recommendations appropriate for the client and thus construct a suitable portfolio. The application leads you through the process, considers the provisions from the bank research and ensures that all relevant data is recorded and documented. The subsequent security purchases or portfolio restructuring can be integrated in the process. This allows you to order directly from Infront Advisory Solution without switching the program.

Despite the common legal base, the bank-specific investment advice workflow can be very different. By using standardised yet customisable elements, the advisory workflow can be adjusted in Infront Portfolio Manager to the individual workflows of your bank. Activities are the central elements of this approach and are described in more detail below. The detailed description of the activities tailored to your bank can be found in a separate documentation.

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