"Advanced Info" area in the search parameters of the funds search
In the second area of the funds search, you can narrow down the search using further criteria. To do this, select the checkboxes on the far left to select the corresponding criteria and specify your search criteria:
Parameter | Description |
Front-end load | Enter the minimum and/or maximum allowed front-end load in percent here. The front-end load to cover the cost of advisory services and fund distribution, charged upon acquisition of a fund. It is generally three to five percent. The front-end load is usually charged on top of the redemption price (that is,: redemption price + front-end load = issue price |
Administration fee | Enter here the minimum and/or the maximum allowed amount of the administration fee in percent. The fund company receives this as compensation for managing the fund. This fee is paid from the fund (that is, from the fund's performance) rather than directly by the investor. |
Securities account bank charges | Enter here the minimum and/or maximum allowed amount of the securities account bank charges in percent. The securities account bank receives a fee for maintaining the deposit. It is not directly charged to the investor, but is paid from the fund's assets. It is therefore paid from the fund's performance. This parameter and all parameters below it in the table are hidden by default. For more information on displaying parameters, see Configuring the areas of the search parameters. |
Ongoing Charges | Enter the minimum and/or maximum allowed amount of ongoing charges here. |
Total Expense Ratio | Enter the minimum and/or maximum allowed amount of the TER here. The Total Expense Ratio is a key figure that provides information about the annual costs of a fund. All fees such as management fees or custodian bank fees are taken into account, but not transaction costs or front-end loads. |
Max. loss in 3 years | Enter here the minimum and/or the maximum amount of the maximum percentage loss of the fund in 3 years. |