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Alerts (total overview)

The "Alerts (full overview)" widget shows the last triggered alerts. By default, you see the 10 last alerts in the table with the "Date", "Reason" and "Message" columns.

Click the "Configure" icon to configure the following settings of the "Alerts (full overview)" widget.



Client group

All alerts are shown by default.

Select a group for the analysis, if necessary. By using the search icon, you start the familiar search and can select the required group.

Alert category

To see only alerts of a certain alert category, select the corresponding category from the drop-down list.

Alert categories can be defined in Infront Portfolio Manager.

Include subobjects

Select this checkbox to also show the alerts for all subordinate securities account objects. For example, this allows you to show not only alerts triggered for the group, but also for the portfolios contained in the group.

Number of alerts

By default, the latest 10 alerts are shown. If necessary, enter a different number in the input field.

Confirm your configuration by clicking the "Apply" button.

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