Area for reverse convertibles in the search parameters of the certificate search
If you have selected "reverse convertibles" as the category in the "Basic info" section of the certificate search, you can further refine your search for reverse convertibles here. The following indicators are available for all financial indicators:
Parameter | Description |
Distance strike | Enter here the minimum and/or maximum allowed distance of the reverse convertible to its strike price. |
Max. yield p.a. | Enter the minimum and/or maximum allowed value for the maximum return p.a. of the reverse convertible in percent. When calculating the return per annum (per year), it is assumed for the purpose of comparability that the term of the certificate corresponds exactly to one calendar year. This makes sense to make the expected yield comparable with other forms of investment, whose expected return is also determined on an annual basis. However, it also makes it possible to compare different certificates with different maturities with each other. |
Sideways yield p.a. | Enter the minimum and/or maximum allowed sideways yield p. a. of the reverse convertible in percent. The sideways return per annum (per year) refers to the expected return if the market price of the underlying asset remains constant. For the purpose of comparability, it is assumed that the term of the certificate corresponds exactly to one calendar year. |
Allowed decrease | Enter the minimum and/or maximum allowed decline for the reverse convertible in percent. The "Allowed decrease" indicates how much the price of the underlying can fall during the term without jeopardising the achievement of the maximum return for a certificate of the "reverse convertible" type. This parameter and all parameters below it in the table are hidden by default. For more information on displaying parameters, see Configuring the areas of the search parameters. |
Required performance | Enter here the minimum and/or maximum permissible value of the "Required performance" of the reverse convertible in percent. The "Required performance" shows how much the price of the underlying asset must rise by the end of the term to achieve the maximum return on the reverse convertible. For some securities, this value is negative. This means that the maximum return is achieved even if the underlying falls by the corresponding percentage. In this case, one speaks of "Allowed decrease". |
Coupon (interest) | Enter the minimum and/or maximum allowed coupon (interest) of the reverse convertible in percent. |
Distance strike | Enter here the minimum and/or maximum allowed distance of the reverse convertible to its strike price in percent. |
Intact barrier | Select this checkbox if you only want to search for reverse convertibles where the barrier was not breached. |