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"Basic Info" area in the search parameters of the funds search

You define the basic criteria in the "Basic Info" area of the funds search. To do this, select the parameters to be taken into account. To do this, select or clear the checkboxes of the relevant search criteria on the far left and then enter the values or select the entries on the right.

The following parameters are available for funds:



Capital management company

Select the Capital management company from the drop-down list.

Use the keyboard to type a letter in the drop-down list to go to the respective initial letter.

The number of funds of this capital management company is shown in brackets.

Fund type

Select the fund types (for example, equity, fund of funds or bond funds) from the drop-down list.

Investment focus

Select the investment focus of the fund from the drop-down list.

This parameter and all parameters below it in the table are hidden by default. For more information on displaying parameters, see Configuring the areas of the search parameters.

ETF funds only

Select this checkbox if you only want to search for ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds).

Fund domicile

Select the fund's country of origin from the drop-down list.

Distribution approval

Select the fund's country of registration from the drop-down list.

Fund currency

Select the currency of the fund from the drop-down list.

Distribution type

Use the drop-down list to search only for distributing funds or only for accumulating funds: The number of funds found is shown in brackets.

Fund volume

Enter the minimum and/or maximum allowed fund volume in millions here.

Fund age

Enter the minimum and/or maximum allowed fund age in years here.

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