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"Basic Info" area in the search parameters of the warrants search

You define the basic criteria in the "Basic Info" area of the warrants search. To do this, select the parameters to be taken into account. To do this, select or clear the checkboxes of the relevant search criteria on the far left and then enter the values or select the entries on the right. The following parameters are available for warrants:




Select the warrant types to be searched for in the drop-down list (call or put). By default, all warrant types are searched for.

Strike price

Set the minimum or maximum value for the strike price of the warrants in the "from" and "to" input fields.

Maturity date

Select the relevant maturities here in the integrated calendars.

The following periods are available from the drop-down list:

  • 1 week
  • 1 month
  • 3 months
  • 6 months
  • 1 year


Select the issuer from the drop-down list. Multiple selection is possible.

Use the keyboard to type a letter in the drop-down list to go to the respective initial letter.

This parameter and all parameters below it in the table are hidden by default. For more information on displaying parameters, see Configuring the areas of the search parameters.

Remaining term

Enter the minimum and/or maximum allowed remaining term in months here.

Trading venue

Select this checkbox and then select the relevant stock exchanges. In the standard configuration, Germany, Austria and Switzerland are already shown as visible fields and can thus be selected directly.

Exercise type

Select the exercise type of the warrant from the drop-down list by mouse click. The "American" (exercise also possible during the term) and "European" (exercise only possible at the end of the term) exercise types are possible here.

Traded in the last 5 days

Select this checkbox to search only for warrants that are currently traded.

New products traded since

Use this parameter to search for new warrants. Select the limit from the drop-down list.

  • Today
  • Yesterday
  • 1 week
  • 1 month

Alternatively, you can define an interval via the "from" and "to" input fields by using the integrated calendar.

Issue date

Enter the minimum and/or maximum permissible issue date here. The following periods are available from the drop-down list:

  • 1 week
  • 1 month
  • 3 months
  • 6 months
  • 1 year
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