"Financial indicators" area in the search parameters of the equities search
In the "Financial indicators" area of the equities search, you can narrow down the search by using fundamental key indicators. To do this, select the checkboxes of the corresponding criteria and then specify your search criteria:
ID | Description |
Volatility | Should the equity to be searched for have a certain percentage volatility? Then select a time interval here and determine the corresponding volatility interval in the "from" and "to" input fields. You can select from the following time intervals:
Performance | Should the share to be searched for have a certain percentage performance? Then select a time interval here and determine the desired performance interval in the "from" and "to" input fields. You can choose from the same time intervals as described above in the table under the "Volatility" indicator. For example, look for equities that are top performers in the long run but have getting weaker recently. |
Correlation | Should the equity to be searched for have a certain percentage correlation? Then select a time interval here and determine the corresponding correlation interval in the "from" and "to" input fields. You can choose from the same time intervals as described above in the table under the "Volatility" indicator. The correlation is a statistical key figure that reflects the relationship between two series of figures (for example, between two price trends of equities or between a share and an index). A positive correlation means that when the price of one underlying security rises, the price of the reference security also rises. A negative correlation means that when the value of the first security increases, then the value of the second security decreases. In the case of a perfect positive correlation, their coefficient is +1, in the case of a perfect negative correlation it is -1. A correlation of 0 exists if there is no correlation between two prices. |
Volume (average) | Select the checkbox of this parameter to search for equities with a specific turnover. This parameter is hidden by default. For more information on displaying parameters, see Configuring the areas of the search parameters. |
Difference to benchmark | Select the checkbox of this parameter to search for equities with a certain difference to their benchmark. If a benchmark (comparison value) is specified for the equity, then select a time interval here and determine the tolerated percentage difference in the "from" and "to" input fields. You can choose from the same time intervals as described above in the table under the "Volatility" indicator. This parameter is hidden by default. For more information on displaying parameters, see Configuring the areas of the search parameters. |
Difference | Set the minimum and maximum percentage deviations from the following values in the corresponding parameter:
Alpha 30 | Set the minimum and maximum values for the 30-day alpha of the equity here. The alpha is a return indicator that describes the amount by which the performance of an underlying security exceeds the return of a reference security over an observation period. The measure of performance is calculated, among other things, from the difference in price developments. This parameter is hidden by default. For more information on displaying parameters, see Configuring the areas of the search parameters. |
Alpha 250 | Set the minimum and maximum values for the 250-day alpha of the equity here. This parameter is hidden by default. For more information on displaying parameters, see Configuring the areas of the search parameters. |
Beta 30 | If a benchmark (reference value) is specified for the equity, you can define the minimum and maximum values for the 30-day beta of the equity here. Beta is a risk indicator that shows the volatility of a security compared to another security (security, index, market or industry). The indicator describes the fluctuation range in relation to the overall market. A beta factor of 1.5 means that the price of the security under consideration rises or falls by 50% more than that of the reference security. With a beta factor of 0.5, the fluctuation is 50% less than that of the benchmark and with a beta factor below 0, the price moves in the opposite direction to the benchmark. This parameter is hidden by default. For more information on displaying parameters, see Configuring the areas of the search parameters. |
Beta 250 | If a benchmark (reference value) is specified for the equity, you can define the minimum and maximum values for the 250-day beta of the equity here. This parameter is hidden by default. For more information on displaying parameters, see Configuring the areas of the search parameters. |