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General information about the Release Notes

As for Infront Portfolio Manager, you will receive an update manual also for the Infront Advisory Solution, which contains all new features, improvements and bug fixes that are rolled out in the program with Service Packs and Fix Packs. The Release Notes thus represent a detailed version overview.

The latest changes are always at the start of the document. All bug fixes ("B"), improvements ("I") and new functions ("N") of a Service Pack or Fix Pack can be found at the start of the version information as short Release Notes in the form a list.

New features are then described in detail in the Manual supplements for the individual releases.

You can also add the "Market Manager Financials Web" product that provides comprehensive market data and news for your investment advice services. These Release Notes also cover all elements and functions that are available only with this product. As in the Infront Advisory Solution user manual, the corresponding chapters and functions are indicated by this symbol. In the Release Notes, this symbol appears in the "MMF?" column.

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