In the header, you find the following global navigation elements:
Function | Description | |
Home function | Click the logo to go to the start page. The default start page is always a global dashboard. | |
Search |
| Enter the search term for your securities account objects and start the search by pressing <RETURN> or clicking the "Search" button (magnifying glass). |
Search |
| If the "Market Manager Financials Web" product is activated, first select the required search by clicking the corresponding icon. Search for securities account objects or search for market data (securities). Enter the search term and start the search by pressing <RETURN> or by clicking the "Search" icon (magnifying glass). |
Update | Refreshes the view in the analysis area. Use only this function for refreshing in Infront Advisory Solution. By using the browser's refresh function (<F5>), you close the application and open the login page. | |
Export as PDF file | Saves the current page as PDF file. | |
Prints the current display. | ||
Favourites | Select this icon to open a menu with the securities and pages saved as favourites. For more information, see Favourites. | |
Client meeting | Starts the client meeting mode and thus hides the data of all other clients. The button is enabled only if you have selected a holder or prospect. | |
Display name | The display name of the logged in user. If the "Market Manager Financials Web" product is activated, then the user name from the user administration of Infront Portfolio Manager is shown in the header. | |
Log out | Click this icon to log off from Infront Advisory Solution. | |
Logo | Here is the place for your individual logo. For more information on how to configure your company logo yourself, see Customise working environment. |