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Header in the Warrant Calculator

In the header of the Warrant Calculator, you can find information on the currently selected warrant at a glance:

  • Name of the warrant
  • ISIN
  • WKN
  • Current rate (at the selected trading venue)
  • Trading venue (in brackets)
  • Relative and absolute change compared to the previous day's close.

Negative changes are shown in red, positive changes in green. In addition, an arrow graphic shows the trend.

The following additional functions are available in the header:



Details" icon
Click this icon to display many more details about the selected warrant.

Clicking the icon again hides the additional information.

"Print" icon
Click this icon to print the current view of the Warrant Calculator. In the "Print options" dialogue window that appears, you specify the areas to be printed.

Finally, click the "Print" button to send the print job to the printer.

Use the input field, the "Search" icon and the integrated live search to search for the warrants to be analysed.

For more information, see Select warrant in the Warrant Calculator.

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