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Historical performance

Select the "Historical performance" menu item to carry out an exact analysis of the price performance for a security.

Search for the desired security ("DAX XETRA" default setting) and set the relevant analysis period.

The following elements and functions are available:




The chart of the currently selected security in the currently selected analysis period.

Click the chart to switch directly to the security profile.


The relative (historical) performance of the security in the period selected.

Price Ø

The average price in the period selected.

Turnover Ø

The average turnover in the period selected.


The highest price in the period selected.

High date

The date on which the highest price in the selected period was quoted.


The lowest price in the period selected.

Low date

The date on which the lowest price in the selected period was quoted.

Select security...

Click this button to select the security to be analysed by using the familiar security search.


Specify the period by using the "From" and "To" input fields. Use the calendar function to quickly select a date.

The default setting is 1 year.


If you have changed the settings, you can update the data and chart with this button.

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