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Initial amount

On the "Lump sum investment" tab, you determine the final assets that are achieved by investing a certain amount for the set investment period. In addition to the initial investment amount, the term and the final assets, you can also set the annual increase in value and can thus simulate various scenarios.

You can drag elements from the "Input" area to the "Results" area and vice versa. For example, you can also define a specific target assets as an input and calculate the required investment amount as a result and so on. For example, to calculate the required investment amount instead of the final assets, proceed as follows:

  1. Click the "Calculate this value" button in the "Investment amount" element to move it to the "Results" area
    The "Investment amount" element automatically moves to the right and the previously calculated final asset to the left in the "Input" area.
  2. Now you can calculate the required investment amount, for example by varying the specified target assets.

You have the following options:



Visual or tabular display of the payment flows

In the upper area, you can see the investment amounts and the corresponding increase in value over time.


In this area, you can enter the corresponding values either by directly entering them in the input fields or by using the corresponding slider. You find the following elements:

  • Investment amount in euro
  • Investment period in years
  • Annual growth rate in percent


By default, this area shows the target assets resulting from the entries made. As described above, you can also swap inputs and results in various ways.

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