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"Input" area

On the left side of the Yield Calculator, you can find the following fields:



Value date

In this date field, you can either enter the value date (date when a security is valued) or select it by using the calendar function.

 With the buttons, you set the value date 2 or 3 trading days after today's date. Click the same button again to reset the date to the current date.

By default, the corresponding value date is calculated starting from the current date.

Nominal interest rate in %

Enter the nominal interest rate (coupon) in percent.

Issue date

Enter the corresponding issue date directly or use the calendar function to select the date.

First coupon date

Enter the first coupon payment date directly or use the calendar function to select the date.

Last coupon date

In this date field, either enter the date of the last coupon payment directly or open the integrated calendar and select the date.

Maturity date

Enter the maturity date directly or use the calendar function to select the date.

Redemption price in %

Enter the redemption price in percent.

Interest period

Select the relevant coupon frequency from the drop-down list:

  • Annually (default setting)
  • Semi-annually
  • Four-monthly
  • Quarterly
  • Monthly

Calculation method

Select the yield day count convention from this drop-down list.

  • ACT/ACT (default)
  • 30/365
  • 30/360
  • ACT/365
  • ACT/360

Tax rate in %

Enter the investor's personal tax rate in percent. For example, this is used to calculate the net profit.

Nominal amount in currency

Enter the nominal amount of the bond.

Yield method

Select the yield calculation method from this drop-down list:

  • ISMA (International Securities Market Association) (default)
  • Moosmüller & Knauf
  • US SIA (Securities Industry Association)
  • US Treasury

If you select an existing bond, then these fields are filled automatically.

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