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Investment simulation - Record - Asset components

This page shows a summary of the client's total assets in different asset components.

Asset components are used to manage different parts of the client's assets subject to certain, usually contractually agreed types of asset management. This allows you to also take into account third-party portfolios in the "Investment simulation" activity.

The "Asset components" page contains the following elements:

Existing asset components (that is, portfolios)

This table shows an overview of the available asset components representing existing portfolios.

The following columns are shown in the table for the existing asset components:

  • Portfolio name
  • Investment type
  • Assets
  • Liquidity

Create new asset components

Create new asset components for the restructuring, if necessary.



In the "Name" field, enter a meaningful name for the new asset component.

Investment type

Select the investment type of the new asset component in the drop-down list. By default, you can select from the following:

  • Investment advice
  • No advice
  • Asset management mandate
  • Asset management product
  • Third-party portfolio

Creates new asset components.

Deletes new asset components.

Deletes all new asset components.

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