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Investment simulation - Record - Occasion

Define the topics discussed during the meeting and who initiated the meeting.

The following options are available on this page:

Meeting initiated by

Select whether the meeting was initiated by the client (or the client's legal representative) or by the bank.


Select at least one topic discussed in the meeting by selecting the corresponding checkbox. If nothing fits, you can also enter a custom topic in the "Other" text field.

You can select from the following topics:


Investment of new liquidity

If securities are to be bought using new liquidity, then select this checkbox.

Capital withdrawal

If the client needs to withdraw available capital from the portfolio, then select this checkbox.

Current market situation

If the current capital market situation is discussed, then select this checkbox.

Basic investment strategy

If the basic investment strategy for the securities account is discussed, then select this checkbox.

Investment ideas from central bank research

If investment ideas from the central research department of the bank are discussed in the meeting, then select this checkbox.


If none of the predefined subjects fits the actual conversation or there are further topics relevant for the investment advice, then select this checkbox and enter the corresponding topic in the text field.

Significant concerns

Record the client's concerns and the weighting of those concerns that are significant to the client's investment objectives. The "Significant concerns" voiced in the discussion of the investment advice go beyond the recorded client's profile. Also record if the client's significant concerns and the weighting of those change during the meeting.

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