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"MiFID data recording" activity

With the "Client profiling" activity in this case study, you can record all data required by the directive necessary for further advisory activities.

First, you record the base data for the meeting and the participating persons. The selection of the form type appropriate for the client (natural person, minor, companies and so on) determines the next steps. You can carry out a complete new recording or rerecording but also change just individual data.

Together with the client, you determine the client's investment objectives including the risk appetite, the investment horizon and the primary investment goal. In addition, you record the financial situation as well as the knowledge and experience of the client regarding the various asset classes. From this data, the application determines the risk class, which is important for the appropriateness and the suitability test.

After recording all relevant data, a MiFID form containing all recorded data can be created. You can immediately print it and pass on to the client. The document is also automatically archived. Also, you can create a change tracking document showing a comparison to an older version.

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