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Profit and loss

The graph on the "P&L" tab shows the expected profits or losses (y-axis) as well as the development of the "fair value" ("fair price") of the warrant in the event of a change in the price of the underlying (x-axis).

The vertical lines indicate the price of the underlying (red), the strike price (green) and the break-even point (blue).

The following functions are available at the top of the graphic:



"Print" icon

Click this icon to print the current view of the Warrant Calculator. In the "Print options" dialogue window that appears, you specify the areas to be printed.

Finally, click the "Print" button to send the print job to the printer.

Click this icon to maximise the "Chart" area. The "Sensitivities", "Key figures" and "Results" areas are then overlaid by the chart.

Click the icon again to restore the original setup.

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