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Search objects

Use the search to find the desired securities account objects. The input field for entering the search terms is located in the header of Infront Advisory Solution.

Press the <SHIFT>+<ALT>+<F> keys to switch directly to the search dialogue window.

If the "Market Manager Financials Web" product is linked, then pressing the same key combination again within the search switches from the search for securities account objects to the search for market data and vice versa.

You can search for the following securities account objects:
  • Holder
  • Portfolio
  • Securities account
  • Account
  • Prospect

If the "Market Manager Financials Web" product is activated, then you can also search for market data. Then, select the corresponding search by clicking the icons in the input window or by using the key combination <SHIFT>+<ALT>+<F>:

  • Search for securities account objects
  • Search for market data

Next, follow these steps:

  1. Enter a search term in the input window.
  2. Start the search with the <RETURN> key or by clicking the search icon (magnifying glass) or select the relevant result from the live search list that appears.
    If exactly one object is found, it will be opened in its Object view immediately.
    If there are several hits, they will be displayed in the "Search results" area. There, you can then select the relevant result.
    If the search query does not return any hits, the "Search result" area is also displayed. You can start another search in this case.

See also:

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