Work with model portfolios
The following elements and functions are available in sample portfolios:
Function | Icon | Description |
Portfolio | On the top left, you see the name of the currently selected sample portfolio. If you have created several sample portfolios, you can switch between the individual sample portfolios by using the drop-down list. | |
Create new portfolio | Creates a new sample portfolio. For more information, see Create sample portfolio. | |
Edit current portfolio | Allows you to rename the currently open sample portfolio or change the amount of available liquidity. In the dialogue window that appears, you can enter the new name in the "Name" field and a different amount in the "Cash" field. Confirm with "Save". | |
Delete current portfolio | Deletes the currently selected sample portfolio. To delete the sample portfolio, confirm the prompt. | |
Add order to portfolio | Allows you to add an buy order to the sample portfolio. For more information, see Buy security for sample portfolio. | |
View | Allows you to switch between the default table view and further views. Select the required entry in the "View" drop-down list.
See also Views of sample portfolios. | |
Group by | Select whether the display should be grouped by "Security" or "Trading venue". In the table grouped by "Trading venue", tranches of a security purchased at different places are listed as separate items, if applicable: | |
Configure columns | Select and re-arrange the columns of the sample portfolios. In the "Column configuration" dialogue window that appears, the "Available columns" section shows the columns that you can select, the "Selected columns" section. To select the columns of your sample portfolio, use the arrow icons on the right side of the dialogue window. Specify the column order by using the arrow icons on the right of the dialogue window. To restore the default state, click the "Restore" button. To cancel the configuration, click "Cancel". To confirm the configuration, click "OK". | |
Multiline comments | Shows long texts in the "Comments" column over several lines. For more information about the comments, see Enter comments about portfolio positions. | |
Export table | Exports the current sample portfolio. Click the icon to open the drop-down list and select the corresponding file format.
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Information in the footer | In the footer of the table, you find the following information on the sample portfolio: