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Infront Advisory Solution

Contents Release Notes Introduction W...

Release Notes

Here, you can find the Release Notes for the individual Service Packs and Fix Packs of Infront Advisory Solution.


The Infront Advisory Solution is Infront's browser-based application for financial advisors in banks and asset management.

Work environment

All the important elements of the user interface are presented here.


The search allows you to directly go to any object. For example, you can quickly open the asset summary of a client.


Dashboards are the customisable start pages in Infront Advisory Solution. They show you a custom overview of the most important market data and information on the clients and activities under management.


In the "Customers" area, you find an overview of all your clients, their portfolios and of prospects.


The "Market" window offers you a comprehensive overview of the financial markets.


This chapter contains the most important details of the news in Infront Advisory Solution.


In the ʺToolsʺ area, you will find helpful tools if Market Manager Financials Web is activated, which you can open by clicking on the menu items in the navigation pane in the analysis area.

Search results (area)

Select the "Search results" window to return to the last search result.


In this area, you can make various settings. Among others, you can change your password.


Here, you will find all version and user information as well as links to the manuals (PDFs) and online help.

Advisory process

In this chapter, you will find an introduction to the individual steps of an advisory process.

HTTPS configuration

Read here how technical administrators can switch your Infront Advisory Solution to an HTTPS connection.


Download area manuals

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